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Let me tell you about our clients, Josh and Jade, and their amazing story. You see, they’re a married couple in their late thirties and have two little girls. And they had just one goal: They wanted to retire before they got to their fifties!
But they just didn’t want to retire for the sake of it. Instead, they wanted to retire comfortably. That means having a house close to the beach… With a big pool and lots of space for a large family… And they wanted to travel and see the world!
There was just one problem:
Even if they worked for as many hours as possible each week, they still wouldn’t build a big enough nest egg to let them live their dreams. They knew that the only solution was to have a steady stream of reliable, recurring income. So, they decided to take the leap and become property investors.
… But they didn’t know how or where to start. So they sought out help. They needed someone to hold their hands and guide them through the process. Someone who would be patient and answer all their questions… Someone who had a solid understanding of the market… Someone with integrity…
Which is why they came to us!
So, the couple told us what they wanted: One property every six months and at least 10 properties in 10 years.
Upon getting that information, we sprung into action!
Result: We found a property that fit the bill. We negotiated on their behalf and then we managed to acquire it. Today, that investment is doing great. It has grown by 28.8% since its purchase and has added $85,000 to its initial worth. The couple has since made a 90.7% return on capital invested.
Do you know what that means?
Jade and Joshua have almost but recouped the money they used for the deposit.
Property #1
Portfolio results:
- Purchase Price: $295,000
- Gross Yield: 7.1%
- Cashflow: Cashflow Neutral
- Cash required for purchase: $93,581
- Months Since Purchase: 9
- September 2021 Comm Bank
- Valuation: $380,000
- Total % Growth Since Purchase: 28.8%
- Total $ Growth Since
- Purchase: $85,000
- Return On Capital Invested: 90.7%